At the Opera
Mom’s birthday
Bouquet with green background
Spring bouquet
Fireworks of flowers
Yellow roses
Calm sea
Sea and clouds
Still life at the kettle
Still life with the lamp
Still life with pear
Still life with a coffee grinder
Still life with fruits and jug
Portrait of Ira
Portrait of Irada
Portrait of Frida
Roses 2
White roses
Istanbul Roses
Baku at night
Sleeping beauty
Bouquet in a blue vase
Calla (fragment)
Way to the next day
Composition N12
Pomegranates in a white vase
Diptych at the Miro
In front of a mirror
Spring Spirit
Naked woman
Parisian girl
Girls on a blue background 1
Girls on a blue background 2
Young girls in the garden
Traffic lights
Nachtmusik N14
Nachtmusik N9
Nachtmusik N2
Still life with oranges
Still life with fruits and white jug
Still life with a bouquet
Still life on a blue background
Still life on blue tablecloth
Night facing the Marmara Sea
Beach “Rozmari”
Beach on windy day
Clod’s picture
Louisa’s picture
Portrait of Marta
Portrait of Rustam
Sabina’s picture
Girl’s head
Troubadour 1
Troubadour 2
Troubadour 3
Flowery valley
Self-portrait (from the series “Mirrors”)
Self-portrait with pearls (from the series “Mirrors”)
Self-portrait in blue (from the series “Mirrors”)
Self-portrait on a gray background (from the series “Mirrors”)
Still life with apples
Jacqueline’s picture
Portrait of the Carpenter Woman
Portrait of Madame Juliette
Portrait of Raymond with headphones
Portrait of Silvia